VR game Hitchhiker: On this road trip you search for yourself

VR game Hitchhiker: On this road trip you search for yourself

In the VR game Hitchhiker, you'll travel across America as a hitchhiker with no memory of your previous life and in search of your identity.


Where do I come from, where am I going: Hitchhiker does not answer these questions directly. Here, the journey is the destination: the encounters you make, the conversations you have, and the landscapes you traverse.

The playful aspect should not be neglected: The studio promises surreal and unique puzzles that you'll have to solve while investigating the mysterious disappearance of a person close to you.

"As a hitchhiker with no memory or destination, you'll embark on a series of journeys across a strange and beautiful landscape. Your drivers range from the stoic farmer to the off-duty waitress, and all have a story to tell. Clues emerge, alliances form, and nothing is as it seems," the studio writes.

Hitchhiker: Quest port coming soon

The game is built on strong conversations and offers dialogue options. The encounters awaken fragments of your memory and warn you about coming doom.


Hitchhiker was developed by the award-winning Berlin-based studio Mad About Pandas (formerly: kunst-stoff), which was founded in 2005 and has since mostly produced games for mobile devices.


Hitchhiker first appeared on Apple Arcade and shortly thereafter for PC and consoles. A VR version for Meta Quest 1 and 2 is coming on March 10, featuring spatial hand interactions. The trailer below shows the 2D version.

New focus on narrative games

The studio's last major project was the survival game Forever Forest for Nintendo Switch and was released in 2019. In addition, the studio has implemented commissioned work for the Goethe Institute, the German Federal Employment Agency and Disney.

With Hitchhiker, the studio is taking a new direction and wants to focus on high-quality games with a story focus and surreal atmosphere from now on. The 2D version is said to have been well received and further productions of this kind are planned. Hopefully also for virtual reality.


More info on the studio can be found on the official website. Our impressions of the VR game will follow as soon as it is released.

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Sources: UploadVR