Virtual Desktop: Update fixes latency issues with Quest 2

The recent Quest updates caused problems with Virtual Desktops PC VR streaming. These are now a thing of the past.
Firmware updates 42.0 and 43.0 resulted in higher latencies for Virtual Desktops users since mid-June. The new app version released at the end of last week fixes the problem. As always, an update of the VR app is sufficient. The PC streamer will update itself as soon as you connect to the PC.
Besides this important hotfix, the new app version brings a number of welcome changes. For example, the great designed virtual environments are now a fixed part of the VR app and no longer have to be downloaded separately. Those who use app sharing can also access them without any detours.
Compatibility with Red Matter 2 improved
Extremely handy is the ability to show and hide the Performance Overlay by pressing the thumb sticks simultaneously. The overlay helps you check your current streaming performance.
In the Input Settings, you'll now find an option to disable cursor stabilization if you're having trouble with the feature. Developer Guy Godin also improved the touch input of the controllers, as well as streaming compatibility with the following VR games: Until You Fall, Ultrawings 2, and the recently released sci-fi epic Red Matter 2 (review). You can read about these and other improvements and bug fixes on Virtual Desktop's Discord server.
Virtual Desktop: The monitor becomes superfluous
Virtual Desktop is and remains a must-have app for Quest users who want to bring their PC wirelessly into VR. In addition to PC VR streaming, it allows you to work on your PC, simulates a virtual home theater for 2D and 3D content, and streams immersive videos in all conceivable formats to your VR headset.
Since June, all this has also been possible without a physical screen. A PC and Meta Quest are all that is needed for the data connection. Instructions and information on how to set up PC VR streaming can be found behind the link.
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