Samsung: AR glasses ready, market launch planned - report

Samsung: AR glasses ready, market launch planned - report

We haven't heard anything from Samsung about augmented reality for a long time. Supposedly, the first AR glasses are now ready for production.


This is reported by the Korean IT portal ETNews with reference to unnamed sources from supplier circles. Samsung is said to have completed the development of the prototype and is currently discussing the launch date.

The augmented reality device will use an unspecified hologram technology that comes from Samsung's future lab, the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT). It is said that it has been prepared for commercialization for a long time. According to the report, the device will use its own Exynos chip and Android as the operating system.

Digilens is Samsung's display supplier

The display will be developed in cooperation with Digilens. This is obvious: Samsung recently participated as the main investor in a financing round worth 50 million US dollars.

"At Samsung, we develop and innovate technologies that provide unmatched value for our global customers and enable experiences that go beyond what they expect. We are very pleased to invest in and collaborate with Digilens to prepare differentiated and competitive AR devices," said Samsung's Senior Vice President Hark Sang Kim at the time of the announcement.



Digilens specializes in plastic waveguide displays that are particularly lightweight and inexpensive to manufacture. In parallel, Samsung is pursuing another AR project with Microsoft and has created a working group for that purpose. Samsung plans to market both products separately.

AR offensive: Are Samsung and Apple going head-to-head?

The last AR news from Samsung came a year ago, when concept videos of two AR glasses leaked (see cover image and video below). Even though Samsung's VR and AR projects have been very quiet in recent years, the company might have continued to work on the technology in secret. That is what the rumors and leaks suggest.

ETNews also confirms Digitimes reports that Apple will launch VR glasses later this year. Apple's headset is supposed to use micro-OLED displays from manufacturer TSMC and Apple's M1 processor, according to the report.

Read more about AR:

Sources: ETNews