Lynx closes first major deal, brings 1,000 MR headsets to schools

Lynx closes first major deal, brings 1,000 MR headsets to schools

Lynx and Signpost partner to equip Belgian educational institutions with mixed reality headsets.


Signpost is the largest education-focused IT provider in Belgium. The company works with more than 2,000 schools and is responsible for maintaining more than one million devices.

The partnership between Lynx and Signpost will see the delivery of 1,000 headsets to Belgian schools and institutions next year. Signpost will provide additional services for its customers, such as maintenance.

“XR will be the next best thing in education,” says Arne Vandendriessche, CEO of the Signpost group. “We see and hear that in the contacts with the schools and we also see the tenders that the government is launching in that regard. Signpost therefore wants to focus strongly on this and opting for the best the market has to offer was logical. Lynx is therefore the obvious choice.”

Why Signpost chooses Lynx

A blog post on the Lynx website outlines the reasons that led Signpost to choose the Paris-based company's hardware: In addition to technical specifications, data protection was an important consideration. DSVGO compliance and data ownership combined with the low entry price would also have qualified the device for the education sector.


Lynx sells its first own Lynx R1 headset in two variants: a "Standard Edition" for $849 and an Enterprise Edition for $1,299.


The first devices are still in production and are currently scheduled to ship in mid-November. The first installments are reserved for backers of the Kickstarter campaign, which raised 725,000 euros just under a year ago.

Lynx R1 should have been on the market long before Quest Pro

The devices were originally scheduled to ship in April 2022. Lynx blames the chip crisis for the repeated delays. "It's a constant war with suppliers in Taiwan," CEO Stan Larroque said in the latest video update from early October.

In May 2022, the startup secured a $4 million investment. The capital should have secured the supply chain and delivery of the first thousand headsets, Larroque said.


Lynx will need the money. Meta is beating Lynx to the punch with its own mixed reality headset in October, and Apple will reportedly enter the XR market next year. So Lynx will face strong competition, but believes it is well positioned.