
Review and ethics guidelines

We report independently

MIXED acts as an independent editorial office and is independent of interests of individual parties, companies, persons or interest groups. We report up-to-date and on the basis of facts. No one in the editorial team can be made to report against their convictions by internal or external pressure.

We promote diversity of opinion within the editorial team through discussion and strengthen the sense of responsibility of individual editors. Opinion contributions are explicitly marked as such ("commentary").

Without exception, advertising and editorial content are clearly separated from each other.

We value diversity and equality

In our reporting, we value diversity of perspective and equality between cultures and genders. We report without bias against people and use gender-sensitive language.

How does MIXED verify the truthfulness of information?

As a rule, we go back to the original source. When possible, we also check a piece of information against multiple sources. In our research, we also rely on established, trustworthy sources from journalism, academia, experts and directly from companies.

We check our own sources and disclose them transparently. If the source wishes, we protect it. In the case of unknown sources or rumors, we point this out or refrain from reporting.

The decision to publish is made by the editorial team to the best of its knowledge and belief.

How does MIXED deal with mistakes?

If mistakes creep into our articles or if information turns out to be incorrect despite conscientious checking of sources, we change this information in the article. If necessary, we make the change transparent in a note below the article. In serious cases, a separate correction may be the appropriate action.

How does MIXED report and test?

We discuss tests and all our other articles in editorial conferences and plan them in an editorial schedule. Product tests are the responsibility of the individual editors, who present and discuss their experiences and assessments in the editorial team before publication, if necessary. Our reviews focus on the practical application of the software or hardware for the user at home or in companies.

How does MIXED handle test samples and invitations to events?

Occasionally we are invited by companies to events or promotions. When this is the case, we transparently point this out in articles.

There is no influence on reporting, for example by lending a test device. The MIXED editorial team is exclusively committed to its readers.

How does sponsoring work at MIXED?

We offer so-called "Sponsored Posts" for companies and organizations. The content of a Sponsored Post is determined by the commissioning company/organization itself. Sponsored Posts are advertising and are marked accordingly as "Advertisement". They do not reflect the opinion of the editorial team and are not part of our regular reporting and topic planning.

How can I learn more about the editorial team and their work?

You can reach the editorial team at any time via our contact address or via the editors' individual email addresses, which you can find on the team page.