Batman spreads his wings in VR on Quest 2 - report

Batman spreads his wings in VR on Quest 2 - report

The VR studio Camouflaj, which was acquired by Meta, is apparently working on a Batman game for the Quest platform.


This is according to court documents from the FTC. The US competition authority is currently trying to prevent one of Meta's studio acquisitions with legal means. The document lists Meta's VR acquisitions over the past few years, revealing what the most recently acquired studio, Camouflaj, is working on. It literally states:

"In September 2022, Meta acquired Camouflaj, which is currently developing Ironman and Batman VR for Quest."

The post came to the attention of tech journalist Janko Roettgers, who posted his find on Twitter.

A VR studio changes clients

Camouflaj developed Iron Man VR on Sony's behalf, which was released for Playstation VR in summer 2020 and was the last major title for Sony's VR system.


In September 2021, the studio posted jobs that suggested Camouflaj was working on a new VR title. The studio was looking for professionals for a "brand new AAA game" with experience in VR development and a "passion for virtual reality."

At the recent Meta Connect in October, Meta announced that Iron Man VR is coming to Meta Quest 2 and Camouflaj is now owned by Meta. It is the ninth VR studio Meta has acquired since the end of 2019.


Camouflaj knows how to make superhero games

In summer 2021, the executive producer of Oculus Studios wrote that many high-quality VR games are in development for Meta Quest 2 that would surprise even the biggest skeptics. However, what high-profile VR studios like Sanzaru Games and Ready at Dawn are working on remains a well-kept secret to this date.

Camouflaj is well-prepared to develop a Batman title. Iron Man VR left a mixed impression, but a lot of that had to do with the Playstation VR's outdated technology. The recently released Quest 2 version of Iron Man VR does not have these shortcomings (tracking limitations, long load times) and was very well received.

Those who already want to slip into Batman's suit can do so with Batman: Arkham VR. The unfortunately quite short VR game from 2016 is available for Playstation VR, on Steam and in the Rift Store. It's pretty good even by today's standards and one of those early VR classics.

Sources: Janko Roettgers @ Twitter / FTC files