XR for climate change: Eleven teams to inspire the world

XR for climate change: Eleven teams to inspire the world

Eleven teams from around the world want to use XR technology to combat climate change. The best idea will be awarded a prize of $100,000.

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. To combat it, political and economic measures are needed above all. However, creative and educational approaches are also important because they can increase people's awareness of the dangers and their commitment.

This is exactly the goal of the finalists of the XR Prize Challenge: Fight Climate Change. They use augmented and virtual reality to visualize and communicate the causes and consequences of climate change as well as possible solutions.

Problem solvers from all over the world

Eleven teams were selected from 150 applicants. They represent four different categories: Replacing Wasteful Material Practices, Visualizing the Causes and Impacts of Climate Change, Educating on Climate Change Solutions, and Optimizing the Design and Implementation of Climate Action.

The teams come from three continents and four countries: seven from the U.S., two from the U.K., one from Brazil, and one from Denmark. Women lead or represent the majority of project teams (six of eleven).


AWE will be held May 30-June 1 in Santa Clara, Calif. It is the world's largest XR trade show, with more than 300 exhibitors representing the entire spectrum of the XR ecosystem. The finalists will present their projects at the event. The winning team of the $100,000 prize will be announced at the Auggie Awards on June 1.

Each project is a special experience

The finalists' projects are diverse and innovative. The Sea is Coming!, for example, is an interactive VR experience in which players can save or destroy a coastal city depending on their decisions. The AR application Between Two Worlds projects virtual artwork of extinct animals into the real world.


Other projects include a scientific research initiative to restore deep-sea corals (The Immersion Project), an AR app to design future cities (inCitu), a game to separate waste in Singapore (Waste Warrior), and a journey to the Arctic (Qikiqtaruk).

XR is an important tool in the fight against climate change

The finalists in the XR Prize Challenge: Fight Climate Change shows how XR technology can help fight climate change and raise awareness. They use the immersive capabilities of AR and VR to make emotional connections, illustrate complex data, and encourage sustainable behavior. They also showcase the diversity and potential of the ever-evolving XR industry.


The organizers of the competition are thrilled with the quality of the projects and the dedication of the finalists. Ori Inbar, the co-founder of AWE, says, "We are very proud of the 11 teams who have gained the respect of our expert judges – their combined impact on climate change is worthy of attention and demonstrates that XR is indeed an important – if not vital – tool in this fight for the future of planet Earth."