Playstation VR: "Super Kit" turns you into a parkour hero

Playstation VR:

The VR classic To The Top is getting a top-class sequel. The first gameplay trailer really whets the appetite.


First released in 2017, To The Top cultivated boundless freedom of movement early on. In 35 breakneck parcours levels, VR-loving steel stomachs could climb, jump and glide through the air to their heart's content. Just as if they were Mario or Sonic, only in virtual reality and with their own bodies. The VR game perfected VR acrobatics.

Five years have passed since the brilliant debut, during which Electric Hat Games has not been idle. The studio has been secretly working on a sequel, which was unveiled yesterday during a Youtube broadcast with a rousing trailer.

Super Kit: A big leap forward

The sequel is called Super Kit: To The Top and will be released later this year. Here, too, you have superpowers with which you can complete the most daring obstacle courses.

The new VR game has become a real eye-catcher. The one-minute trailer shows impressive cloud cities and platforms in a beautiful graphic style reminiscent of the VR platformer Astro Bot. Sharp textures and bright colors wherever the eye looks.



The sequel has also evolved in terms of gameplay. In Super Kit, unlike in the original, there are enemies that you can blow away or stomp into the ground.

Multiplatform release likely

The trailer was revealed in a broadcast of the Youtube channel PSVR without Parole. Only Playstation VR has been confirmed as the platform so far, but the title is likely to be released for the next-gen successor and PC VR platforms as well. The trailer even states that the footage is from a PC VR version.

If you want to try something similar, Sprint Vector, Windlands 1 & 2 or Stride are recommended. But be careful. Too much artificial locomotion can be hard on the stomach.

Sources: PSVR without Parole