Travel to Ancient Dodona with VR and Chat with Zeus Himself

A research team sends you on a virtual reality journey back in time to Ancient Greece. There you can question the Greek god Zeus in the Oracle of Dodona.
The VR Orcacle project, led by the University of Bristol, is more than just a VR app. The research team wants to use VR time travel to gain a more profound understanding of sensory processing and brain activity in VR users.
The VR experience will also help deepen historical understanding of ancient Greek oracles and explore the potential of virtual reality in cultural settings such as schools and museums.
Learning in VR: A journey back in time to Ancient Greece
The VR experience takes users to the Oracle of Zeus in Dodona in 465 BC, where they can ask questions of Zeus' priestesses and listen to stories from other pilgrims.
"Oracles helped ancient society to cope with uncertainty and risk. We are focusing on the oracle at Dodona because thousands of questions have survived from the site, written on lead tablets. They show that the oracle was consulted not only by community leaders, but also by ordinary men and women, including enslaved people. Studying Dodona can help us to understand their experiences better: both how they responded to uncertainty, and how they related to the gods," project leader Professor Esther Eidinow explains.
Free for VR headset, PC, and smartphone
The VR Oracle is available for free on several platforms. There is a 360-degree video version compatible with desktop PCs and tablets that can be accessed via YouTube.
For Android smartphones, the Oracle Project can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. Those who want the full VR experience with Meta Quest 2 can download The Oracle Project directly from the Meta Store via App Lab.
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