New screenshots give a hint of Vision Pro's passthrough quality

Two new screenshots released by Apple give an idea of how good Vision Pro's passthrough quality is.
Apple has released three screenshots of the Vision Pro launch title Super Fruit Ninja. Two of the images show the game in passthrough mode and may be the first representative of Vision Pro's passthrough quality.

Vision Pro's transparency is artificial. The surroundings are captured by cameras and digitally reproduced on the opaque displays. | Image: Halfbrick Studios

Super Fruit Ninja in passthrough mode. | Image: Halfbrick Studios
Notice how accurately Vision Pro reproduces the texture of the carpet, the light and shadows in the living room, and how well the outdoor area is visible.
There are two things to keep in mind, though: First, the passthrough always looks a little different in the headset than it does in screenshots and videos, and second, we don't know how well the passthrough works in less ideal lighting conditions.
The Quest 3's passthrough for example is passable on a bright day outdoors. In the evening, under artificial light, it becomes very grainy and loses details of the surroundings. You can expect better from the Vision Pro, which costs several times more. But there are currently no reports from reviewers who have put the passthrough to the test.
Vision Pro is not transparent. The device uses cameras and algorithms to capture and digitally reconstruct the physical environment on opaque displays. Users feel as if they are looking through the headset. This technology is called passthrough.
The environment can then be augmented with digital elements (augmented reality) or replaced entirely with virtual graphics (virtual reality). Users can use the Digital Crown on the device to adjust how much they want to be immersed.
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