Magical Doodle lets you create 3D artwork with your hands on Quest

Magical Doodle lets you create 3D artwork with your hands on Quest

Magical Doodle makes you feel like a wizard, conjuring up 3D works of art with your finger.


The currently free mixed reality app is reminiscent of Tilt Brush, but takes on a new magical dimension thanks to the Quest 3's color pass-through and hand tracking.

With Magical Doodle, you can choose from a range of effects (stars, flames, hearts, snowflakes, etc.), different colors and thicknesses, and draw freely with your finger by moving your hand around the room.

Thanks to well-implemented gesture recognition, this works surprisingly well. You only draw when you spread the thumb from the hand. That way, the app always knows when to draw and when not to draw.

Simple but effective

You can grab doodles with your fingers like a physical object, rotate them, and place them anywhere in the room. There's even an undo function and the ability to choose from a palette of magical effects and apply them to your drawings, animating them in sometimes trippy ways.



All this is possible with simple gestures that you will learn in the tutorial. Once you internalize them, it feels like you have creative magic powers.

If you want, you can turn off the passthrough and switch to a fully immersive VR environment. Painting in the real world, however, feels more magical.

Magical Doodle demonstrates the magic of mixed reality and hand tracking in a simple but effective way and invites you to experiment. You can currently try out the app for free in the Horizon Store. In the future, Magical Doodle will become a paid app.