OpenXR: HTC launches beta for Vive Focus 3

OpenXR: HTC launches beta for Vive Focus 3

Developers can now experiment with OpenXR on HTC's Vive Focus 3 standalone VR headset.


The standardized VR and AR programming interface OpenXR is designed to make it easier for development studios to port between platforms. Ideally, a VR app can be ported from Meta Quest 2 to Vive Focus 3 without studios having to change the code.

In practice, experienced VR developer Guy Godin (VR Desktop), among others, still criticizes missing features, the need for platform-specific builds and APKs, and faulty runtimes.

More apps for the Vive Store

HTC is now bringing OpenXR to its standalone VR headset, Vive Focus 3, which is aimed primarily at enterprises and operators of location-based VR experiences. The headset uses a similar architecture to Meta Quest 2 and Pico Neo 3 Pro / Link based on Qualcomm's Snapdragon XR-2 processor - which should also make ports easier and could fill the Vive Focus 3 app store.

"With OpenXR, more developers will be able to bring their content to VIVE Focus 3, and users will benefit from an expanded app library and more flexibility in terms of how they consume content. We strongly believe it’s a win for the XR industry as a whole," said Dario Laverde, who manages studio relationships for HTC Vive.



OpenXR Beta Launches for Vive Focus 3

Interested developers will need to email HTC and request access to the Vive Focus 3 beta program to gain access to OpenXR. Detailed instructions are available on the Vive Forum.

Numerous well-known companies already support OpenXR, including development tool providers such as Epic Games with the Unreal Engine or Unity, Valve with SteamVR, Microsoft for Hololens or Meta, which offers both hardware and software and relies exclusively on OpenXR since August 2021.

Most recently, Khronos Group, the industry initiative behind OpenXR, announced the development and integration of an advanced haptics standard for VR and AR.

Sources: Twitter, Vive Blog