The XR-INTERACTION network aims to strengthen the European XR industry

The XR-INTERACTION network aims to strengthen the European XR industry

The XR-INTERACTION network bundles the resources of about 60 German companies, universities, and research institutes to work on joint projects in the field of XR.


Germany and other European countries have a well-developed XR industry with great technological expertise, says Dr. Frank Dittrich, initiator of the network. In contrast to the US or Asian countries, however, there is a lack of major players, as the German and European XR industry consists almost exclusively of small and very small companies and start-ups, often specializing in individual technology components.

The XR-INTERACTION research and development network was created to pool the resources of these players. It provides an organizational framework for closer strategic cooperation, particularly in the area of research and development.

XR-INTERACTION currently includes about 60 XR companies as well as universities and non-university research institutions. The networking of the members is only the first step. The real goal is to initiate and implement joint strategic projects for which the network uses public research funding formats and supports the companies in managing the application work.

The network is currently receiving financial support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate (BMWK) for three years.



For more information, visit the official website.


The origins of XR-INTERACTION

The initiator of the network, Dr. Frank Dittrich, has been working on immersive technologies and their applications at the Chemnitz University of Technology for more than 10 years. By founding XR-INTERACTION, Dittrich wants to contribute to a more effective transfer of research results into practice and to promote cooperation between the various players in the XR industry.

According to Dittrich, German research institutions and companies are often leaders in the development of specific technology and software components. In his opinion, a better transfer of research results into practice and the linking of individual technology components could significantly strengthen the European XR landscape in an international comparison.