No Man's Sky now looks beautiful on Playstation VR 2

No Man's Sky now supports foveated rendering on Playstation VR 2, and that is literally a game changer.
No Man's Sky was already available for the first Playstation VR, but in extremely low resolution. When Hello Games announced an improved version for Playstation VR 2, anticipation was high. After all, the game could now take advantage of the PS5 and the latest technology of the new headset.
Much to the disappointment of many fans, No Man's Sky remained a blurry affair on PSVR 2. In fact, a recent analysis of the render resolutions of various PSVR 2 games revealed that No Man's Sky occupies the lower end of the resolution scale of all the games examined.
The anniversary update called "Echoes" (see trailer above) changes that: The VR version now supports the Playstation VR 2's foveated rendering, a unique technical feature of the device that can't be found in any other consumer VR headset.
With foveated rendering, only the area of the display that the user is currently looking at is rendered in high resolution and detail - without the user even noticing. This saves a lot of processing power that can be used to visually enhance the focused area of the image.
The No Man's Sky VR that PSVR 2 fans deserve
The difference is like night and day, according to fans on the PSVR-2 Reddit:
- "Ranks up there as one of the better looking games on the system now. Not Red matter 2 levels of polish, but not too far off either!"
- "Yep, looks as crisp as the PCVR version with a 3080."
- "When looking at the stars for example, before it looked super generic, like slightly blurry balls rather than stars, but now it actually looks like tiny little sparkling stars covering the whole sky."
I'm absolutely blown away by HOW AMAZING No Man's Sky looks on #PSVR2 now. Fantastic update @hellogames - it's beautiful. #gamecatARMY
— PSVR2 Without Parole (@parolePSVR) August 24, 2023
Hello Games has also fixed a number of VR-related issues and introduced a "number of significant rendering optimisations" for VR on all platforms. Accordingly, the PC version will also benefit from the update, albeit to a lesser extent.
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