Big disappointment for VR fans: Meta puts GTA San Andreas VR on hold

Big disappointment for VR fans: Meta puts GTA San Andreas VR on hold

Bad news for everyone who was excited for the VR remake of GTA San Andreas: Meta and Rockstar have other priorities.


As Meta confirmed to IGN, the development of the VR remake of GTA: San Andreas has been put on hold indefinitely. The official Meta Quest channel also made a similar statement in the comments section of the latest Behemoth trailer on YouTube: They are currently looking to redirect resources to other projects, but look forward to working with Rockstar in the future.


GTA San Andreas: A never-ending story

The VR adaptation of the classic game was originally announced as part of the Facebook Connect event in October 2021, but without any concrete insight or targeted release date. In a blog post at the time, Meta called it a long-term project.

However, since the initial unveiling about two years ago, the ambitious VR adaptation has remained quiet — an unusual circumstance for such a high-profile project. Even the recent Meta Connect, which would have been the ideal stage to build anticipation for the game and Meta Quest 3, failed to provide any updates.

Rumors and supposed confirmations from Meta have circulated in the past that GTA San Andreas VR is still in the works. Most recently, a now-deleted YouTube comment stated that the game was still in development.



That's it for San Andreas

I no longer believe that GTA San Andreas VR will ever be released. First the long silence after the announcement, then the timid and then deleted confirmation tidbits from Meta Support in comment sections, and now another vague statement when asked by IGN.

A sad state of affairs because remakes of old classics work very well in VR, as the numerous projects by Team Beef or Flat2VR show. Meta itself set a good example with the VR conversion of Resident Evil 4. It should be clear to everyone that a VR port is not a priority for Rockstar. However, GTA San Andreas VR would have been a good draw for Meta, especially with the upcoming release of Quest 3S.

Sources: IGN