Accenture invests in Looking Glass 3D holograms

Accenture invests in Looking Glass 3D holograms

Management consulting firm Accenture sees great potential in 3D holograms and invests in Looking Glass.


Accenture has announced a strategic investment in hologram company Looking Glass. The exact amount of the investment was not disclosed.

Tom Lounibos of Accenture Ventures said companies seek ways to deliver physical-world immersive metaverse experiences, and Looking Glass' holographic platform could enable them to do so.

3D Holograms on a 2D Display

Looking Glass has developed a holographic platform that can display 3D content on multiple displays. The software calculates dozens of different perspectives of a 3D object and then sends a stereoscopic image to the viewer's eye. Rotating the display or changing its position creates a spatial impression without the need for a XR headset or head tracking.

Looking Glass combines its display technology with a software suite that enables brands, designers and consumers to present 3D content on a 2D screen.


Hologram platform planned for the Internet

In June 2022, Looking Glass unveiled the 65-inch (1.65 m) "Looking Glass 65" holographic display. It is already in use at Accenture Labs in San Francisco.


In addition, the Looking Glass Blocks sharing platform will enable seamless use of 3D content across mobile, social and virtual environments. According to Looking Glass, this is the first platform for sharing 3D holograms on the web. It enables companies and brands to deliver an immersive experience to their fans anywhere and on any Looking Glass device.

Accenture predicts trillion-dollar revenues for the Metaverse

According to Accenture, there is growing interest among consumers and businesses in the Metaverse as a Creator Economy and a tool for everyday tasks. However, the company doesn't provide a clear definition of what exactly the Metaverse is. Nevertheless, the market is estimated to be worth a trillion dollars by the end of 2025, according to Accenture. Technologies like Looking Glass would make it possible to connect 3D digital experiences in the metaverse to the physical world.

In March 2022, Accenture formed the Accenture Metaverse Continuum Business Group. This is a group of specialists focused on the metaverse, digital commerce, augmented reality, blockchain, digital twins, artificial intelligence and computer vision.

Sources: Accenture